Centre for Sustainable Cropping:
a long-term platform for research on sustainable arable systems
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The CSC platform is managed as an open resource for a range of projects, as well as a long-term experiment for assessing the impact of a new cropping system on ecological, environmental and economic components of sustainable production systems.

Here is a list of projects supported to date. Please get in touch for more information or if you have a project proposal that could benefit from the use of the Platform.

  • RESAS RD1.2.1: GHG emissions and leaching in margin buffer plots. Tim George, Lawrie Brown 2017-2018
  • EU-Diversify: in-field weed/crop biodiversity. Ali Karley. 2017-2022
  • EU TRUE: Pete Iannetta, Euan James. 2017-2022
  • UHI, Aberdeen University and Heriot Watt: End product quality. James Bryce, Karen Scott
  • RESAS Underpinning Capacity: Yield responses to cropping system. Cathy Hawes. 2016-2021
  • RESAS Underpinning Capacity: Soil water quality. Mark Young. 2016-2021
  • RESAS Underpinning Capacity: REML modelling of trends in indicators. Colin Alexander, Cathy Hawes. 2016-2021
  • RESAS Underpinning Capacity. Biodiversity for decomposition processes. Cathy Hawes. 2016-2021
  • RESAS RDs. 2016-2021:
    • 2.1.6 (Integrated Pest Management),
    • 2.1.8 (novel cropping systems, intercropping and legumes),
    • 2.3.4 (tillage practices and nutrient supply),
    • 2.3.8 (conservation management),
    • 2.3.9 (integrated management systems)
  • RESAS RD3.1.1: Yield Quality. Derek Stewart. 2016-2021
  • RESAS RD2.3.8, 1.3.1: arable foodwebs for pollination and predation services. Cathy Hawes, Ali Karley. 2016-2021
  • RESAS RD2.3.6: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and carbon footprint. Mark Young 2016-2021
  • RESAS RD2.3.4: Soil quality and structure. Tim George, Tracy Valentine. 2016-2021
  • RESAS RD2.1.6: Barley pathogen incidence and spread. Dave Guy 2016-2021
  • RESAS RD1.2.1: Nutrient traps and recycling using margin vegetation. Tim George, Lawrie Brown. 2016-2021
  • MDT: Financial margins and environmental offset. Yakubu Abdul-Salam. 2016-2021
  • Innovate-UK: sensors and field detection. Matt Aitkenhead. 2016-2017
  • Hutton farm innovation: Magic Margins. Euan Caldwell.
  • EU-ENDURE: IPM platforms network. Adrian Newton, Nick Birch. Ongoing (unfunded network) from 2016
  • BES Small grant: Diversity effect on aphid symbionts. A Zytynska. 2016.
  • InnovateUK: In-field optical detection of potato disease (Poptical). Damian Bienkowsk, Roy Neilson. 2015-2018
  • Genomia: Pete Iannetta, Euan James. 2015-2016 (now unfunded extension)
  • Joint Studentship, Dundee University Seed-soil biophysical properties. Ashley Gorman 2014-2018
  • DEFRA/CEH: Pollinator monitoring framework. Cathy Hawes. 2014-2015
  • Danish Innovation Funded BUFFERTECH: Engineered riparian buffers. Marc Stutter, Tim George. 2014-2018
  • CECHR PhD: Seedbank community impact on soil properties. Ashley Gorman. 2014-2018
  • Potato Council/HGCA: Platforms to test and demonstrate sustainable soil management. Blair McKenzie. 2012-2017
  • EU-AMIGA: Systems indicators. Cathy Hawes, Geoff Squire. 2012-2016
  • St Andrews Uni PhD: Small mammal population response to cropping system. Amanda Wilson. 2011-2014
  • EU-PURE. Geoff Squire. 2011-2015 (EU-PURE),)
  • EU Legume Futures: Pete Iannetta, Euan James. 2011-2015
  • CECHR PhD: Soil erosion and seedbanks. Tim Lewis. 2010-2013
  • Aberdeen Uni PhD: Carbon and nutrient turnover. Claire Ghee. 2009-2012
Our platform is funded through the Scottish Government Underpinning Capacity programme. This is an open access resource that supports a wide range of projects and benefits from the input and advice we get from many different organisations.



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